Friday, June 12, 2009

Signatures Continued

Or just straight up PWT Goofball....

And this is what I get when I try to put it all together....

Wait, wait....WAITTT a MINUTE......LOOK what I just came across....OH MY!!!  Hilarious that I even wondered for a moment where they got it from!


Anonymous said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!

The Parsons' blog said...

This was hilarious. I love that Maddy has a pose. Stella's all over that! Your kids are adorable. What great pictures, and I love the picture of the three of them - trying to put it all together - love that. Good stuff.

summer... said...

OH MY GOODNESS! this is seriously hilarious. it made me laugh out loud! your kids are so darling! seriously a.dor.a.ble!!!!

Renelle Davis said...

Love, love, love them! They are all so cute and quirky! I wonder where they get it from, right?! :)