Saturday, April 18, 2009



The Parsons' blog said...

So very, very sweet!

Anonymous said...

I want a copy of this one! Miss you all so much!
Hugs and smooches,
Auntie DeAnne

summer... said...

julie... that is such a sweet picture of the girls. jeremy keeps asking if we are going to go back to Maddy's house. he always ends that sentence with 'the girl maddy'. hugs friend.

The Parsons' blog said...

It's weird. I have this cute picture of your daughter on my blog list, which happened to go with a great post your wrote and I was going to leave a comment and it's gone?? For the record, I wouldn't beat yourself up about not bringing your daughter in sooner. You brought her in exactly when the Lord wanted you to. How great that she's feeling better. That's a praise. Also, just think, you could be the other extreme and constantly bringing her in, giving her anitbiotics...which isn't good either! That's my 2 cents, whether you wanted it or not ;)

Kim Givens said...

Great photo!